Hi! I’m a pediatrician in San Diego and I am planning on doing an educational webinar for the patients at our clinic about screen time and social media. I also plan to do something at my child’s school with the PTA in this area in the fall. I am drawing on your books for guidance. I’m currently reading the Power of Fun and really appreciate all of your insights. I regret to say that I haven’t made it a standard part of my practice yet but I am working on incorporating it more regularly. I have spoken to many teens with depression, anxiety and eating disorder about their usage and hear from them about how detrimental it can be. I would love pediatric-visit specific resources. Thanks for all that you do!
Thanks for the comment, Sarah! You may have seen it already, but my talk about smartphones and social media might be useful to draw from for your own presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro-XgHp7OPA
If you email me directly through the contact form at catherineprice.com, I can send you a link to the slides for that presentation, which contain links/sources to all the articles and reports that I mentioned -- you're welcome to pull from that, too!
I'm 33 so clearly not an adolescent, but I LOVE that illustration by Xinmei Lu for the NYT. Such a great and tangible reminder of the dangers of social media. I'm in the best stage of my life so far and feel generally very balanced and happy, and even I know I cannot tolerate much SM, it's not good for me and I know how insidiously it harms me. I will be keeping my daughter away from it as long as I possibly can.
Hi! I’m a pediatrician in San Diego and I am planning on doing an educational webinar for the patients at our clinic about screen time and social media. I also plan to do something at my child’s school with the PTA in this area in the fall. I am drawing on your books for guidance. I’m currently reading the Power of Fun and really appreciate all of your insights. I regret to say that I haven’t made it a standard part of my practice yet but I am working on incorporating it more regularly. I have spoken to many teens with depression, anxiety and eating disorder about their usage and hear from them about how detrimental it can be. I would love pediatric-visit specific resources. Thanks for all that you do!
Thanks for the comment, Sarah! You may have seen it already, but my talk about smartphones and social media might be useful to draw from for your own presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro-XgHp7OPA
If you email me directly through the contact form at catherineprice.com, I can send you a link to the slides for that presentation, which contain links/sources to all the articles and reports that I mentioned -- you're welcome to pull from that, too!
I also wrote a post for After Babel with lots of resources: https://www.afterbabel.com/p/parents-guide-to-smartphones?r=h56ov&utm_medium=ios&triedRedirect=true
I'm 33 so clearly not an adolescent, but I LOVE that illustration by Xinmei Lu for the NYT. Such a great and tangible reminder of the dangers of social media. I'm in the best stage of my life so far and feel generally very balanced and happy, and even I know I cannot tolerate much SM, it's not good for me and I know how insidiously it harms me. I will be keeping my daughter away from it as long as I possibly can.
I’m a family therapist who works in schools and would love your slide deck and SM kit! Thank you!
I’m glad this conversation is coming at a time before my kids are old enough for social media. I’m curious what changes by the time they get phones!
Pediatrician here! Would love a resource kit 🥳
Are there any resources in particular that would be useful for you?
Here ya go. Scroll way down
Ha ha -- I wrote that post :) Thanks for sharing it, Diana!
I'm hoping to make something even more specific for pediatricians, too!