Thanks for turning around my 4th of July attitude (I was this close to yelling out the window at my neighbor who is setting off fireworks after midnight). I also had guffawed at you calling the knit designer Yarn Ass. (So maybe my attitude hasn’t really turned around, but if I do yell out the window I will yell, “yo Patriot, that’s about enough!”)

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I'm very happy to have helped :)

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So...in reality you have been doing the delight thing (under a different name) for a while now, huh?? :-)

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Who knew you made a Hamilton Philly Tour app?! So excited to do that one day soon with my family and daughter ( who can recite 75% of Hamilton by memory I’m guessing). Very cool!

And thanks for the Lin Manuel Miranda performance. Such ambition, hunger, and purpose radiating from him. Obviously he rode that wave to incredible heights.

I’m thankful to celebrate a birthday for my mom with family today, thankful we are not in 2020, and hoping the spirit of ‘76 can still deliver us from tyranny.

Happy 4th!!

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Feel free to leave something you're grateful for in the comments! (But please, no politics!)

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