And then there is this version, 2,000 people delighting each other with the same song, singing altogether Africa by Toto.


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I read the latest post on tidying ("how to get your life together") on my sofa minutes after our cleaner left and am delighting in how clean our place is.

I used to think that paying someone to clean our house was a weird feudal-era extravagance until I did a two week long mood map. NOTHING made both my and my husband's mood better than having our cleaner come, both in the hours after when everything is spotless (before outr kids and life destroy it again) and in the days all around knowing we didn't need to scrub toilets anymore. Here's to the delight of a clean flat!

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To remind us of the power of music, songs and making music together, take a look at this YouTube clip of teens absolutely delighting each other.


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My grandkids are delightful, also annoying at times and a huge amount of work - all worth it. I like helping them learn to play the piano, watching them grow in patience and focus while challenging myself to find ways to help them hear, feel, and see more in the music. It's incredibly enjoyable for me and also pretty challenging. So that's a question I have: is it fun when I have to work hard at it? Also what about different kinds of connection, for example connection through a cultural community? I'm seventy years old and I only dance down the street when I'm with five-year-old Vera - otherwise I'm not motivated. But I feel like a lot of the writing, music and craft stuff I'm fortunate to be able to do is really fun and even if I'm on my own there's always a connection through culture and/or memory. I'm hoping I can count that as fun.

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